Friday, 21 December 2012

Healthy Living

Hello! Vinay is the name, living a healthy, fit, and happy life style is the game! My blog is a little of everything from healthy eats, working out, to an insight of hospitality. Spreading happiness and putting a sparkle in someone's day makes my day happy.
Can you believe Christmas is a little over a week away? Seriously, where does the time go? . We all are running behind fame position, career & money but while chasing those factors we neglect the main thing and that is our health. With so many New Year resolutions in the pipeline, it’s high time we should give priority to our own body & lifestyle.
I thought of penning down a few words to inspire all my readers about taking little steps towards a healthy lifestyle and I’ll be back in January 2013 with tons of easy, healthy, delicious tips. Meanwhile I am looking forward towards your valuable feedback on this humble beginning.

Healthy Living based on “Healthy Eating”
      Healthy living is the key of success and healthy eating is the base of healthy living. People have different definitions and meaning of healthy living.  According to me a healthy living isn’t just about obsessing over weight loss, but includes an overall sense of well-being which covers diverse aspects of a holistic way of living. Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food we eat to keep our body strong, energized, and well nourished for healthy living. This guide has been created to help us to learn about healthy eating, and ways to plan nutritious meals and snacks. When we eat well, we are taking good care of our body.
v  I personally think that Healthy eating defines, eating 3 balanced meals a day with healthy snacks in between.
v  Eating healthy states that we need to eat food from all different food groups. (grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy proteins, and healthy fats)

Secrets of having “Healthy Eating”
v  It Helps us to reach our maximum height (if we are growing)
v  It helps us to maintain healthy weight
v  We can Have energy all day long
v  We Get the vitamins and minerals for our body needs
v  It helps us to stay strong for sports or other activities
v  It avoids chances of unhealthy eating habits, like skipping meals and feeling overly hungry at the next meal.
v  It helps us to have Healthy Mind that leads us to do things in right way to get maximum positive results.

Steps to have “Healthy Eating”
v  We need to have regular meals (usually 3 meals per day in the morning, afternoon, and evening) and healthy snacks (when we are hungry or need extra energy) without any excuse.
v  Choose foods from all of the food groups each day to meet our nutritional needs
v  Starchy foods, Fruit and vegetables, Milk and other dairy foods Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein Foods high in fat and sugar.
v  We need to maintain balance of nutrient-rich foods with the help of moderate amounts of other foods, such as sweets.
v  Have food when hungry and stop when full.
v  We need take maximum amount of Vegetables and Fruits as they are the base of a healthy diet. They are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

So now everyone who loves himself/herself to see as perfect healthy human being, by body and by mind should come ahead and adopt healthy eating habits for healthy living.

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