Thursday, 6 November 2014

Breakfast – The most important meal...

Breakfast is the first and very important meal of the day. The word expresses everything within, breakfast means break the fast because the previous night, we don’t eat anything after dinner. We eat our dinner generally between 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. So we need something very healthy to start our new day. Eating healthy breakfast gives us mental and physical advantage. When we start off our day, our body needs fuel. Breakfast provides us with the nutrients and energy that lead to increased concentration in the work. By not having breakfast on daily basis, we are more vulnerable to cravings and less likely to make healthy choices in the morning and throughout the day.  Skipping breakfast can lead to increase LDL (low-density lipoprotein) that means bad cholesterol.

Eating healthy breakfast is very important for everyone, but it is more important for children and adolescents. Because kids are more active than anyone else, they do plenty of physical and mental activities throughout the day. So it’s really necessary for us to know that are we providing all the necessary nutrients and energy to our kids to perform all kinds of activities? It is shown in research that generally people are very active during morning, to keep that activeness in our body we need proper healthy breakfast. While having breakfast we should consider few things such as bread, grain, milk and milk products, fruits, dry fruits, egg, and juice. If we take all mentioned foods in our breakfast, that will provide us all the necessary nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, fiber and other necessary things. Having healthy breakfast helps us to reduce hunger throughout the day, and help us to make better food choices at other meals of the day.

There are many benefits of having healthy breakfast which are as follows:

·         It provides great energy to us to perform all the necessary physical and mental activities.
·   It helps us in maintaining our weight, generally people who skip breakfast are either    overweight due to too much eating on the meals of the day or they are underweight due non  availability of necessary nutrients.
·         It helps kids to concentrate well in the classroom and playground.
·         It keeps us energetic throughout the morning.
·         It helps us to maintain bad cholesterol.
·         It keeps us healthy for long term than the other people who skip their breakfast.
·         It is very beneficial especially for pregnant women.
·         It keeps our mood happy, due to proper intake of food in the morning.  
·          It helps us by preventing from common diseases by increasing our immunity power.

Healthy Breakfast means a Healthy You

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